Things Content Providers Can Learn from Game Developers

Important Things Content Providers Can Learn from Game Developers

You might wonder exactly what a content provider has in common with a game developer. Sure, the two are very distinct people who do very different jobs. However, there is some similarity between the two. Just as game developers are constantly working to create great content and bring in revenue, so are content providers. The different lies in what kind of content it is and how that money is filtered into the company.

There are many things that a professional game developer has in their tool-belt that are useful for a content provider. Game developers are king at user acquisition, user engagement, and user monetization – all things that can also relate to the work of a content provider.

User Engagement

A content provider needs to pull users in and get them engaged with their content. So does a game developer. Some of the things that game developers do to create that engagement includes ensuring players are always curious, offering context to what happens in game, allowing players to be creative, pushing players to want to share their gaming experiences, and providing a sense of accomplishment to players.

Take out the gaming narrative and those things can also apply to other sorts of content. Want to make readers and users curious? Add some kind of unpredictability to the content. Want your content users to feel like they can be creative? Offer a way for them to converse and share the things they are doing.

User Monetization

Another area where game developers excel is in monetizing content. Yes, the content is a game, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work in other forms of media. Within a game, monetization might mean implementing Reward Video Ads that give players something for staying and watching an ad or having the option to buy new character skins or lives for real money. Those may not entirely relate to other web content, but it doesn’t mean that creativity can’t make those things work.

Instead of adding the option to get a new outfit for a character, a content provider might choose to offer the option to access special content for an additional charge. (see some examples on AppLixir) A video ad might not open up a content user to gold in a game, but it can be used in other ways. Perhaps a user can watch the video to check out a special clip on a website. The sky is a limit with some creativity.

User Acquisition

Now we come to user acquisition, another thing that both content providers and game developers require. One of the way games do this is by offering ads on other games. The same can work just as well for content providers. Offering organic social media posts is another option. There are numerous ways to take the experiences of developers to create better content that brings in money and views.

As you can see, there are many ways that these two jobs work in very similar ways. Content providers should absolutely consider the expertise of game developers to create content that makes money and brings in new readers and users.

AppLixir is a Reward Video Ad provider that helps both Content Providers as well as Game Developers monetize using Reward Video Ads

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