The marketing genius behind “Eddie the Terrible Dog” Post

The marketing genius behind “Eddie the Terrible Dog” Post

The Christmas of 2014, most dogs at Humane Society Silicon Valley shelter were adopted by families, except Eddie.

Eddie the dog didn’t get adopted for a reason, Eddie was terrible, didn’t get along with other dogs or kids. So, the shelter decided to play the odds. They wrote a blog entitled “Three Reasons You DON’T Want to Adopt Eddie The Terrible”. Long story short, the story went viral and Eddie found a loving home.

So how does a dog story relate to Reward Video Ad Platform, you would ask.

It doesn’t relate; at least not directly.

The reality is, we are a monetization platform always reaching out to game developers, pitching why game developers should use AppLixir Reward Video Ad Platform. There are several companies that do the same and game developers have developed some level of filter to weed out such pitches.

So why you shouldn’t use AppLixir?

  • You shouldn’t use AppLixir if you mostly want CPI type monetization – We have an 80:10:10 ratio (CPM:CPC:CPI) rule. That is, 80% of the Video Ads are CPM / brand Ads that would not require users to click or install. CPM pays 15-20% less than CPI but it will not take users off your game, distracting the game experience. We feel game developers are better off without overly focused CPI monetization.
  • You shouldn’t use AppLixir if you are looking for a BIG corporation. We are not big by choice. We are not interested in every game or game developer; just the right ones. For us, the business is the relationship and the relationship is the business. We won’t get along well with disrespectful or annoying game developers. The game developers we work with, they are part of our strong AppLixir community. If you consider yourself a nice, we can talk.
  • You shouldn’t use AppLixir if you want a one stop shop for all your game development needs. We don’t bundle everything under one roof. If you look at different game engines (unity, ecco etc) or Monetization platforms (RockYou, SocialMedia), game developers can find some or all of the tools needed to design, developed, launch, grow or monetize a game. We understand the convenience that comes from being a one stop shop for all your game development needs. But we rather focus on one thing and do that thing well. For us, its reward video ad monetization.

So to conclude my “The marketing genius behind “Eddie the Terrible Dog” Post” If you are a Facebook, Web, iOS or Android game developer who is interested in monetizing your app using AppLixir Reward Video Ads, check us out at we do a wonderful job at it.

FYI, Eddie is doing well =)

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