Rewarded video ads are a type of in-app advertising that allows users to choose to watch a video in exchange for in-game currency or other rewards. These ads are becoming increasingly popular among...
A Complete Guide to Ad Monetization and Rewarded Video Ad
AppLixir is a Rewarded Video Ad Platform for Web, Mobile-Web, Mobile Sites & Apps
The Challenges of Monetizing Games
The Challenges of Monetizing Games Games as a form of entertainment have a long …. very long history. I don’t have the capacity, nor the desire, to cover that in this blog -) My hope in this blog is...
Pros & Cons of a Game Distribution Sites
Pros & Cons of a Game Distribution Sites A slight change of subject. This week, I am going to talk about Game Distribution -the Pros and Cons of it. Game distribution companies do help with game...
Games’ Saving Grace – Reward Video Ads
Games' Saving Grace – Reward Video Ads Why is the gaming industry thriving? It is an often asked question and, rightfully so! The internet, as news media and game developers ascertain, is composed...
See You @GDC2022
GDC - Game Developers Conference 2022 GDC San Francisco is a recent, at least in the distant normal past, to be held in person. One major difference this time (besides the first unmasked gathering),...
Emerging Game Economies – 2022 Version
In my previous post about Regional gaming centers, - Eastern Europe and the Game Industry and The Top Game Developing Cities I try to highlight countries and cities that have...
Reward Video Ad Monetization in 2021 – 2022
Reward Video Ad Monetization in 2021 - 2022 Have you ever played a game and realized you are short on lives or coins to continue playing? Suddenly, the game allows you to watch a video advertisement...
Unity & Cocos Game Engines
Unity & Cocos Game Engines Interested in designing games? It can be incredibly rewarding (and lucrative), but it is also a complex area with a lot of different variables. One variable you need...
The Unity Game Engine & Monetization
Whether you’re thinking about becoming a game designer or you already have experience and are considering your game engine options, Unity should be on your radar. This is one of the best-known...
The Revenue Potential of Rewarded Play
Struggling to bring in revenue from your mobile games? It’s not uncommon. Once, games were full price in the app stores, and players had to purchase them outright to play. Things have changed today....